Word — Fear

Love Mehta
2 min readMar 8, 2021

Got a very interesting word today. Thanks, random generator. Fear. Fear is a feeling like all other ones. I recently read that if you embrace fear or think deep into it ceases to exist. I feel this works in real life, I am afraid of the dark. Let’s face it. But the only thing that has let me overcome this fear every time is facing it. I am one of those people who doesn't like to watch scary movies. But I think this exercise today and getting to write about fear is empowering me mentally to start watching them. Exactly what I said at the start. You need to face your fear. I am writing about it and it is already giving me some strength for facing it. So the next time you fear anything, I think the better way to deal with it would be to write or think about it. It will cease to exist. Do you fear your boss? write about it. What is it exactly that fears you about him? is it really him? or is it something else? writing or vacating our feelings to ourselves help us get some clarity. Fear, love, pain, hurt, etc are all a thought. Generating different responses in the physical body. Your mind should not be overcome by it. Just think it through. Think of everything as an observer. Provides a new perspective. Ok, so this feeling that I am feeling is fear. Let’s look at it from the outside. And soon you will find out this way of thinking helps a lot because you are not inside that bubble of fear/pain but you are outside it and observing what it is making you feel.

Having a vivid imagination is beautiful, but letting your vivid imagination loose and letting it ruin your day/night is a really bad thing. We should try our best to live in the moment, and only let imagination loose when it comes to creating stuff. Otherwise, it's just access crowding in the brain. I think I need to think more upon this thought, sounds interesting. On imagination and overthinking.

I have also deviated from the basics of objective writing. Will try to be better from tomorrow.



Love Mehta

New to writing. Practicing object writing for now. “Word” series is just me waking up and writing for 10 minutes on a random object.